ABRAX study
Inclusion criteria
Histologically confirmed invasive cervical cancer (Squamous cell carcinoma, Adenocarcinoma, Adenosquamous carcinoma) [No,Yes]
Patient referred for primary surgical treatment (including radical / simple hysterectomy / fertility sparing procedure) in combination with LN staging. [No,Yes]
Patient´s identification and history
Primary surgery
Primary treatment
Cervical/uterine procedure [Conization (any technique including LEEP, LLETZ etc.),Radical hysterectomy (including parametrectomy),Radical trachelectomy (including parametrectomy),Simple hysterectomy,Simple trachelectomy (cervix amputation without parametrectomy)]
Parametrectomy (applied for radical hysterectomy and radical trachelectomy)
Final histological report
Surgical data
Adjuvant treatment
Follow-up procedure
Gynecological examination [No,Yes]
Late serious adverse events ≥ 2 CTCAE grading (associated with the treatment, since the 31st postoperative day)
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