Fertility saving study Inclusion critera Cervical cancer (any histology, any stage from T1a1) [No,Yes] Fertility sparing treatment (FST) with the aim to preserve uterus (any procedure, at least attempt) [No,Yes] Information of the outcome available (follow-up available) [No,Yes] Patient's data Date of birth (month/year) Parity before diagnosis Previous gynecological surgery before cervical cancer diagnosis [No,Yes] Date of surgery (YYYY) Type of surgery Diagnosis and diagnostic work-up Date of first diagnosis of cervical cancer (month/year) Diagnostic procedure Histology Histological type Grade LVSI Pre-treatment work-up CT scan [No,Yes] Colposcopy [No,Yes] Cystoscopy [No,Yes] DW-MRI [No,Yes] MRI [No,Yes] PET-CT [No,Yes] PET-MRI [No,Yes] Rectoscopy or colonoscopy [No,Yes] Ultrasound [No,Yes] Pre-treatment clinical and radiological stage (TNM classification) Primary treatment Neoadjuvant chemotherapy (before the FST procedure) [No,Yes] No of cycles Surgical treatment Cervical procedure Date of procedure (month/year) Type of procedure Repeated cervical procedure (after FST) [No,Yes] Date of procedure (month/year) Reason Description of other reason Type of procedure Lymph node procedure Sentinel lymph node biopsy [No,Yes] Date of procedure (month/year) Total number of sentinel nodes Detection Methods of mapping Blue dye [No,Yes] Indocyanin green [No,Yes] Technecium [No,Yes] Pelvic lymphadenectomy [No,Yes] Date of procedure (month/year) Total number of pelvic nodes (including sentinel nodes if done) Paraaortic lymphadenectomy [No,Yes] Date of procedure (month/year) Total number of paraaortic nodes Cerclage placement Date of cerclage (month/year) Timing of placement Type of cerclage Adjuvant chemotherapy (after treatment procedure) [No,Yes] No of cycles Definitive histology (after surgical treatment procedure) Size of the tumor horizontal spread / horizontal (AP) stomal invasion / vertical (CC) latero-lateral (LL) Size of the cone or trachelectomy specimen N/A [No,Yes] Lenght (the distance from the external margin to the proximal/internal margin) Thickness (the distance from the stromal margin to the surface of specimen) Lymph nodes - histology Only sentinel node(s) Other pelvic (and paraaortic) nodes (if sentinel node biopsy was performed) Only pelvic (and paraaortic) nodes (if sentinel node biopsy was not performed) Follow-up & recurrence Oncological treatment (hysterectomy, radiotherapy, chemotherapy) during the follow-up period was given Oncological treatment (hysterectomy, radiotherapy, chemotherapy) during the follow-up period Date of treatment (month/year) Reason Abnormal Pap smear [No,Yes] Cervical cancer recurrence [No,Yes] Cervical stenosis/hematometra [No,Yes] Doctor's decision (no disease suspected) [No,Yes] HPV positivity [No,Yes] Other [No,Yes] Patient's decision (no disease suspected) [No,Yes] Pre-cancer-recurrence (any proven LSIL, HSIL or AIS) [No,Yes] Second cancer (endometrial, ovarian etc.) [No,Yes] Type of treatment Chemotherapy [No,Yes] Hysterectomy [No,Yes] Radiotherapy [No,Yes] Follow-up procedure Biopsy [No,Yes] 1. year [No,Yes] If clinically indicated [No,Yes] Routinely [No,Yes] Frequency every 2. year [No,Yes] If clinically indicated [No,Yes] Routinely [No,Yes] Frequency every 3. year [No,Yes] If clinically indicated [No,Yes] Routinely [No,Yes] Frequency every 4. year [No,Yes] If clinically indicated [No,Yes] Routinely [No,Yes] Frequency every 5. year [No,Yes] If clinically indicated [No,Yes] Routinely [No,Yes] Frequency every CT [No,Yes] 1. year [No,Yes] If clinically indicated [No,Yes] Routinely [No,Yes] Frequency every 2. year [No,Yes] If clinically indicated [No,Yes] Routinely [No,Yes] Frequency every 3. year [No,Yes] If clinically indicated [No,Yes] Routinely [No,Yes] Frequency every 4. year [No,Yes] If clinically indicated [No,Yes] Routinely [No,Yes] Frequency every 5. year [No,Yes] If clinically indicated [No,Yes] Routinely [No,Yes] Frequency every Colposcopy [No,Yes] 1. year [No,Yes] If clinically indicated [No,Yes] Routinely [No,Yes] Frequency every 2. year [No,Yes] If clinically indicated [No,Yes] Routinely [No,Yes] Frequency every 3. year [No,Yes] If clinically indicated [No,Yes] Routinely [No,Yes] Frequency every 4. year [No,Yes] If clinically indicated [No,Yes] Routinely [No,Yes] Frequency every 5. year [No,Yes] If clinically indicated [No,Yes] Routinely [No,Yes] Frequency every HPV test [No,Yes] 1. year [No,Yes] If clinically indicated [No,Yes] Routinely [No,Yes] Frequency every 2. year [No,Yes] If clinically indicated [No,Yes] Routinely [No,Yes] Frequency every 3. year [No,Yes] If clinically indicated [No,Yes] Routinely [No,Yes] Frequency every 4. year [No,Yes] If clinically indicated [No,Yes] Routinely [No,Yes] Frequency every 5. year [No,Yes] If clinically indicated [No,Yes] Routinely [No,Yes] Frequency every MRI [No,Yes] 1. year [No,Yes] If clinically indicated [No,Yes] Routinely [No,Yes] Frequency every 2. year [No,Yes] If clinically indicated [No,Yes] Routinely [No,Yes] Frequency every 3. year [No,Yes] If clinically indicated [No,Yes] Routinely [No,Yes] Frequency every 4. year [No,Yes] If clinically indicated [No,Yes] Routinely [No,Yes] Frequency every 5. year [No,Yes] If clinically indicated [No,Yes] Routinely [No,Yes] Frequency every Others [No,Yes] Procedures description PET-CT [No,Yes] 1. year [No,Yes] If clinically indicated [No,Yes] Routinely [No,Yes] Frequency every 2. year [No,Yes] If clinically indicated [No,Yes] Routinely [No,Yes] Frequency every 3. year [No,Yes] If clinically indicated [No,Yes] Routinely [No,Yes] Frequency every 4. year [No,Yes] If clinically indicated [No,Yes] Routinely [No,Yes] Frequency every 5. year [No,Yes] If clinically indicated [No,Yes] Routinely [No,Yes] Frequency every Pap smear [No,Yes] 1. year [No,Yes] If clinically indicated [No,Yes] Routinely [No,Yes] Frequency every 2. year [No,Yes] If clinically indicated [No,Yes] Routinely [No,Yes] Frequency every 3. year [No,Yes] If clinically indicated [No,Yes] Routinely [No,Yes] Frequency every 4. year [No,Yes] If clinically indicated [No,Yes] Routinely [No,Yes] Frequency every 5. year [No,Yes] If clinically indicated [No,Yes] Routinely [No,Yes] Frequency every Physical examination [No,Yes] 1. year [No,Yes] If clinically indicated [No,Yes] Routinely [No,Yes] Frequency every 2. year [No,Yes] If clinically indicated [No,Yes] Routinely [No,Yes] Frequency every 3. year [No,Yes] If clinically indicated [No,Yes] Routinely [No,Yes] Frequency every 4. year [No,Yes] If clinically indicated [No,Yes] Routinely [No,Yes] Frequency every 5. year [No,Yes] If clinically indicated [No,Yes] Routinely [No,Yes] Frequency every US [No,Yes] 1. year [No,Yes] If clinically indicated [No,Yes] Routinely [No,Yes] Frequency every 2. year [No,Yes] If clinically indicated [No,Yes] Routinely [No,Yes] Frequency every 3. year [No,Yes] If clinically indicated [No,Yes] Routinely [No,Yes] Frequency every 4. year [No,Yes] If clinically indicated [No,Yes] Routinely [No,Yes] Frequency every 5. year [No,Yes] If clinically indicated [No,Yes] Routinely [No,Yes] Frequency every Date of last follow-up (month/year) Pregnancy after primary treatment Attempt to concieve [No,Yes] More than 6 months [No,Yes] Way of conception IVF program [No,Yes] Natural [No,Yes] Pregnancy after treatment Number of pregnancies Number of abortions Number of deliveries Profylactic management during pregnancy [No,Yes] Antibiotic treatment [No,Yes] None [No,Yes] Other [No,Yes] Description of the profylactic procedure Preventive hospitalisation [No,Yes] Profylactic cerclage during pregnancy [No,Yes] Profylactic tocolytic therapy [No,Yes] Progesterone administration [No,Yes] Regular US cervicometry [No,Yes] Delivery (complete repeatedly for each delivery) [No,Yes] 1. delivery [No,Yes] Method of delivery Date of delivery (month/year) 2. delivery [No,Yes] Method of delivery Date of delivery (month/year) 3. delivery [No,Yes] Method of delivery Date of delivery (month/year) 4. delivery [No,Yes] Method of delivery Date of delivery (month/year) 5. delivery [No,Yes] Method of delivery Date of delivery (month/year) Recurrence Pre-cancer recurrence during the follow-up [No,Yes] Pre-cancer histotype Cancer recurrence [No,Yes] Disease free interval (DFI) Location Cervix [No,Yes] Distant - others [No,Yes] Description Distant abdomen [No,Yes] Distant thorax [No,Yes] Paraaortic lymph nodes [No,Yes] Parametrium [No,Yes] Pelvic lymph nodes [No,Yes] Pelvis - others [No,Yes] Description Vagina [No,Yes] Symptoms of recurrence [No,Yes] Description Main (or first) method(s) of recurrence detection Biopsy [No,Yes] CT [No,Yes] Clinical symptoms [No,Yes] Colposcopy [No,Yes] Cytology [No,Yes] Gynecological examination [No,Yes] HPV test [No,Yes] MRI [No,Yes] Others [No,Yes] Description of procedures PET-CT [No,Yes] Physical examination [No,Yes] US [No,Yes] Current status Date of death (month/year) Cause of death